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Pez Mantarraya / Manta Ray.
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Papercraft de un pez manta.
Habitan en mares de aguas templadas de todo el mundo; se alimentan de plancton, peces pequeños y calamares. Generalmente, al igual que los tiburones, tienen peces limpiadores o rémoras oportunistas pegadas a la parte inferior, que buscan las sobras que quedan de su alimentación y también buscan protección. Fuente: Wikipedia.
Oceanic mantas are large, horizontally flattened fish that can grow to a width of 9 m (30 ft). They feed on plankton which they scoop up with their large mouths. Little is known of their reproductive habits, but one (or occasionally two) live young are born after a gestation period of about a year. They reside in deep-water, pelagic zones, making periodic visits to cleaning stations at seamounts and coastal reefs. Minimal concrete information exists on oceanic manta movements, but they are generally believed to be more transient and migratory than the smaller reef manta ray (Manta alfredi), which tends to be resident in shallower coastal habitats. Wikipedia.