Papercraft sencillos de dos modelos del del Nissan Pivo, podéis descargar gratis muchos más recortables de coches y otros vehículos recortables Aquí. Esperamos que os gusten.
Nissan – Pivo 2.
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Papercraft de un Nissan Pivo 2.
Nissan – Pivo 3.
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Papercraft de un Nissan Pivo 3.
The Nissan Pivo is a concept car created by Nissan. The Pivo was first introduced at the 2005 Tokyo Motor Show. The car is essentially a 360 degree rotating three-seater cabin on a chassis of 4 wheels, and hence eliminates the need for reversing and makes parking easier. The Pivo is powered by a lithium-ion battery. The car’s futuristic design incorporates large doors for easy access to the cabin and large windscreens and windows for high visibility. As well as the fully rotational cabin, the Pivo features Nissan’s Around View Monitorsystem. This reduces blind spots (areas of the road which cannot be seen from the driver’s position) by displaying the outside surroundings on screens mounted on the inside of the car’s A-pillars, located on either side of the windshield. Wikipedia and