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Nissan Note.
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Papercraft de un Nissan Note.

Nissan Note.
El Nissan Note es un monovolumen del segmento B producido por la marca japonesa Nissan desde el año 2004. Es un cinco plazas con motor delantero transversal y tracción delantera, que reemplaza indirectamente al Nissan Almera Tino, que era del segmento C. Compite contra otros monovolúmenes pequeños, como los Citroen C3 Picasso, Hyundai Matrix, Hyundai ix20, Kia Venga, Opel Meriva, Lancia Musa, y Fiat Idea, aunque es más bajo que ellos. Fuente: Wikipedia y
The United Kingdom was the first market to have the Note launch there, on 1 March. The car shares some of its underpinnings with the Renault Modus, and is designed to compete with the Opel/Vauxhall Meriva and Citroën C3 Picasso as well as the Modus. It is manufactured at Nissan’s plant in Washington, England, as an indirect successor to the conventional medium-sized Almera hatchback which ceased production at Washington in November 2006. The direct successor to the Almera in Europe is the Tiida; however it has not been officially imported to the United Kingdom, although it has been available since March 2009 with models sourced by the Arnold Clark dealership network from theRepublic of Ireland. Wikipedia and