Impresionante maqueta 3D recortable y armable del buque de guerra DDG-173 Kongo, muchos más papercraft de barcos y otros vehículos puedes descargarlos Aquí. Esperamos que os gusten.
DDG-173 Kongo.
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Maqueta 3D recortable del buque de guerra DDG-173 Kongo.
Construido por / Builder: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nagasaki.
Largo / Length: 528,2 pies (161,0 m).
Manga / Beam: 68,9 pies (21,0 m).
Velocidad / Speed: 30 nudos (56 km / h)
The Kongō class employs the highly advanced Aegis fire control system and is armed with the RIM-66 SM-2MR Block II surface-to-air missile, RUM-139 vertically launched anti-submarine rocket, the RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile, two Mark 15 20 mm CIWS gun mounts, two torpedo mounts in a triple tube configuration, and an Oto Melara 127 mm/54 caliber gun. Its Mark 41 vertical launch system can hold 90 missiles. However, in keeping with the defensive mission of the JMSDF and passive role of the Japan Self-Defense Forces in general, the Kongō-class lacks the Tomahawk missile. Fuente: Wikipedia y
The Kongō class employs the highly advanced Aegis fire control system and is armed With the RIM-66 SM-2MR Block II surface-to-air missile, vertically Launched RUM-139 anti-submarine rocket, the RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile , two Mark 15 20 mm CIWS gun mounts, two torpedo mounts in a triple tube configuration, and an Oto Melara 127mm / 54 caliber gun. Its Mark 41 Vertical launch system can hold 90 missiles. However, in keeping With the defensive mission of the JMSDF and passive role of the Japan Self-Defense Forces in general the Kongo-class lacks the Tomahawk. Wikipedia and