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Helicóptero AgustaWestland. Scale 1:36.
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Papercraft del helicóptero AgustaWestland.
El AgustaWestland AW109 (anteriormente conocido como Agusta A109) es un helicóptero , desarrollado por la compañía italiana Agusta, desde 2000 parte de AgustaWestland (fusionada, a su vez, en Finmeccanica a partir de 2016 entonces Leonardo), para uso civil y militar. Se trata de un helicóptero ligero de 6 u 8 plazas bimotor de tren retráctil. El AW119 Koala es una versión monomotor con patines del AW109. Fuente: Wikipedia y
The AgustaWestland AW109 is a lightweight, twin-engine, eight-seat multi-purpose helicopter built by the Italian manufacturer Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland, merged into the new Finmeccanica since 2016). The rotorcraft had the distinction of being the first all-Italian helicopter to be mass-produced. Developed as the A109 by Agusta, it originally entered service in 1976 and has since been used in various roles, including light transport, medevac, search-and-rescue, and military roles. The AW109 has been in continuous production for 40 years. The AgustaWestland AW119 is a derivative of the AW109, the main difference being that it is powered only by a single engine instead. Wikipedia and